Lower Eyelid Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Mesa, Tempe, Gilbert and Scottsdale, AZ

A lower eyelid lift (lower blepharoplasty) is a procedure that rejuvenates your eyes by removing excess fat that creates a puffy, tired appearance. Changes to the lower eyelids are a natural part of facial aging, (1) but a lift can quickly improve droopy eyes for brighter, more radiant eyes.

At Scottsdale Plastics, Dr. Robert Bonillas has decades of experience helping patients enhance their appearance with innovative, customizable procedures. If you are struggling with puffy eyes that make you look tired or increase your perceived age, a lower eyelid lift can help you look more awake. Contact our office or call (480) 245-6380 to learn more about how we can help you transform your eyes for a smoother look.

Before and After Photos

About the Lower Eyelid Lift

As you age, the collagen in your skin decreases which can result in fine lines and wrinkles. Facial fat often atrophies with age which can result in tired, puffy eyes, (2) but the condition is reversible. In 2022, surgeons performed approximately 346,384 facial procedures to help patients reverse signs of facial aging, and 115,261 of those were eyelid surgeries. (3) With a lower eyelid lift you can:

  • Look younger: Eliminating excess fat beneath your eyes can help you achieve a smoother complexion.
  • Brighten your eyes: Reducing pockets of droopy fat that emphasize shadows on your face helps you achieve a more refreshed appearance.
  • Enjoy smoother skin: After a lower eyelid lift, you can enjoy smoother skin because the procedure reduces the excess fat that causes wrinkles.

Lower Eyelid Lift Benefits

The benefits of a lower eyelid lift include the following:

  • Brighter under-eyes
  • Alert appearance
  • Youthful complexion
  • Fast recovery time
  • Quick procedure
  • Enhanced self-esteem
  • Long-lasting results
  • Smoother skin

Lower Eyelid Lift Candidates

If you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your eyes, a lower eyelid lift can restore your confidence. The best candidates for a lower eyelid lift wish to eliminate droopy under-eye bags that create an overly tired appearance. If you are a nonsmoker who takes good care of their skin and has realistic expectations for the procedure, you may be an ideal candidate.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation, Dr. Bonillas will ask about your aesthetic goals to determine whether or not this procedure is the right fit for you. He will create a customized treatment plan based on your skin type and the condition of your eyes. If you have sagging skin above and beneath your eyes, he may recommend a quad eyelid lift to rejuvenate them. Please come prepared to discuss your medical history and lifestyle.

How to Prepare for a Lower Eyelid Lift

To prepare for a lower eyelid lift, you will need to stop smoking for approximately 6 weeks and stop drinking alcohol 24 hours before your procedure. If you take blood thinning medication, you will need to stop taking it to avoid excessive bleeding during the procedure. Dr. Bonillas may recommend that you prepare your meals ahead of time to prevent trips to the store during your recovery. You will need to arrive at the office in comfortable clothing and leave accessories at home. Please arrive at the office with a clean face and do not wear skin care products or makeup to your procedure. You will also need to arrange for 2 weeks off work, and for a trusted adult to drive you home.

Lower Eyelid Lift Procedure

Before your procedure begins, you will receive anesthesia for your comfort. First, Dr. Bonillas will mark your skin for surgery. Next, he will make a discrete incision inside your lower eyelids to carefully remove excess fat beneath the eyes. If you also have excess skin beneath your eyes, he can adjust the position of the fat pads to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The amount of fat he removes during the procedure will depend on your aesthetic goals. Dr. Bonillas will customize each lower eyelid lift procedure based on your unique anatomy. (4)

Lower Eyelid Lift Recovery & Results

After a lower eyelid lift, you will need to rest for approximately 2 weeks. After 5-7 days you will need to come back to the office for a follow-up exam. Taking good care of your skin during your recovery and caring for your incisions properly will help you achieve the best results. After a lower eyelid lift you can enjoy smoother, wrinkle-free eyes for several years with good skincare.

Corresponding Procedures

Lower eyelid lifts are a customizable procedure to help you eliminate signs of aging for your desired look. Dr. Bonillas can create a treatment plan that includes an upper eyelid lift, a facelift, or medspa treatments after your procedure to help you improve your complexion.

Upper Eyelid Lift

An upper eyelid lift removes excess skin with a discrete incision along the crease of the upper eyelid to improve your field of vision. If you have skin above and below the eyes, Dr. Bonillas can perform a quad eyelid lift to rejuvenate your appearance. During a quad eyelid lift, he can perform a lower eyelid lift and also make a discrete incision along the crease of your upper eyelids to remove excess skin for a complete makeover.


A facelift eliminates wrinkles and lines on your face, and we can combine it with an eyelid lift to rejuvenate your appearance. During a facelift procedure, Dr. Bonillas will remove excess skin and reposition it to reduce signs of facial aging. A facelift is best for moderate to severe sagging skin (ptosis). A mini facelift is a procedure for mild to moderate ptosis that lifts the skin in the middle of the face. To learn more about our corresponding treatments for rejuvenating your complexion, see the blog.

Medspa Treatments

At Scottsdale Plastics Dr. Bonillas offers several skin care treatments to help your skin heal from environmental factors such as sun exposure and pollution known to accelerate facial aging. Our innovative medspa treatments are designed to increase collagen– a protein in your skin that keeps it firm, elastic, and youthful. Taking care of your skin, avoiding sun exposure, and wearing SPF can help prevent facial aging from environmental factors, but maintaining collagen levels is also crucial for preventing facial aging. (5) Dr. Bonillas offers medical-grade skincare products to complement our collagen-stimulating facial treatments so you can look your best.

Cost of a Lower Eyelid Lift in Scottsdale

The cost of an eyelid lift will depend on the condition of your skin and whether or not you will need corresponding procedures. Dr. Bonillas can provide an all-inclusive quote after your consultation if you need additional treatments to meet your goals. Contact our office or call (480) 245-6380 to learn more about how you can restore your eyes with a lower eyelid lift for a more youthful look.


Is a lower eyelid lift safe?

Yes, a lower eyelid lift is a safe, well-tolerated procedure. We will provide anesthesia for your comfort during the procedure, and recommend over-the-counter medication for your recovery. 

Are the results of a lower eyelid lift permanent?

Although the results of a lower eyelid lift are long-lasting, the length of your results will depend on your lifestyle, environmental factors, and your skincare routine. Protecting your skin from sun damage and wearing SPF will be important for preventing facial aging.

When can I wear makeup and skincare products after a lower eyelid lift?

You will need to wait 2-3 weeks for your eyes to heal before you start wearing makeup and skincare products again. During your consultation, we can provide instructions based on your unique procedure. 

Are there any risks to having a lower eyelid lift?

If you have a medical condition such as a bleeding disorder, a lower eyelid lift may not be the best procedure for you. You will discuss your factors during your consultation to help you achieve your desired look and whether or not this is the best procedure for you.

How long will the results of a lower eyelid lift last?

The results of a lower eyelid lift can last for several years. If you take good care of your skin, your results can last for a decade or more. Avoiding sun exposure, using SPF, and maintaining a regular skincare routine will be important for experiencing the best results of your treatment.

Will I have scars from a lower eyelid lift?

Dr. Bonillas will make a thin incision inside the lower eyelid, so you will not have any visible scars from the procedure.


  1. Murri M, Hamill E, Hauck M, Marx D. An Update on Lower Lid Blepharoplasty. Seminars in Plastic Surgery. 2017;31(01):046-050. doi:https://doi.org/10.1055/s-0037-1598632 
  2. Sundelin T, Lekander M, Kecklund G, Van Someren EJW, Olsson A, Axelsson J. Cues of Fatigue: Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Facial Appearance. Sleep. 2013;36(9):1355-1360. doi:https://doi.org/10.5665/sleep.2964 
  3. American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons ® Procedural Statistics Data Insights Partners: 2022 ASPS Procedural Statistics Release.; 2023. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/documents/News/Statistics/2022/plastic-surgery-statistics-report-2022.pdf 
  4. Naik M. Hills and valleys: Understanding the under-eye. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery. 2016;9(2):61. doi:https://doi.org/10.4103/0974-2077.184048 
  5. Al-Atif H. Collagen Supplements for Aging and Wrinkles: a Paradigm Shift in the Field of Dermatology and Cosmetics. Dermatology Practical & Conceptual. 2022;12(1):e2022018. doi:https://doi.org/10.5826/dpc.1201a18