
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Mesa, Tempe, Gilbert and Scottsdale, AZ

Do you have fat on your body that refuses to budge, no matter how hard you exercise and diet? Eliminate fat and contour your body with LocoLipoTM, a state-of-the-art liposuction technique.

Potential Liposuction Results

Thanks to advances in surgical technologies, LocoLipoTM is efficient, aggressive and safe. Say goodbye to fat and hello to a slim, trim and contoured appearance!

Call Dr. Bonillas’ office to schedule your consultation today!

What Is Liposuction?

LocoLipo is a power-assisted liposuction procedure that removes localized areas of fat from the body using VASER (a cutting-edge ultrasound lipo technology) and small thin surgical tubes called cannulas. LocoLipo is only available at Scottsdale Plastics with Dr. Bonillas!

No belly fat

The fat from the targeted area is suctioned from the body through this tube to help patients achieve a slim and contoured appearance.

While early liposuction methods were effective in removing excessive fat deposits, it was a painful procedure that involved suctioning out large areas of solid fat.

New technology has allowed for different techniques that improve the accuracy and reduce the pain associated with this procedure. Today, liposuction is usually performed via the tumescent technique or with the help of ultrasound imaging or a laser. These new technologies have transformed liposuction into a much safer and less invasive procedure.

While early liposuction methods were effective in removing excess fat deposits, the procedure involved suctioning out large areas of solid fat and was frequently painful.

Advances in local tumescent anesthesia have allowed liposuction to be more comfortable than ever. All liposuction procedures are performed with the assistance of tumescent fluid. Tumescent fluid is a customizable solution of saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine, a local anesthetic. In order to perform liposuction, tumescent fluid is injected into the treatment areas prior to suctioning and will swell the treatment areas, exposing fat cells and making them easier to dislodge for suctioning. The lidocaine acts as a local numbing agent and replaces the need for general anesthesia. Epinephrine, a form of adrenaline, helps constrict blood vessels, causing less bleeding during liposuction. The result is less bruising and a swifter recovery! This fluid provides many benefits for liposuction and will help provide a better recovery.

The benefits of LocoLipo with VASER allow improvement in the accuracy of the treatment by targeting fat and contouring your body accordingly.

In addition, new technologies have allowed for various energy-based techniques that break-up fat for removal, reducing strain on those areas and reducing recovery times. LocoLipo with VASER uses ultrasonic waves to gently separate fat, preserving the important vascular and connective tissues, which can then be suctioned with power-assisted liposuction. Tumescent anesthesia, combined with these advanced energy-based techniques, makes LocoLipo a more comfortable procedure to undergo. Depending on your body and goals, these techniques offer a variety of benefits.


The ideal candidate for LocoLipo is someone who is in good overall health and maintains a healthy life but has one or more problem areas with unresponsive fat deposits. It is also important for patients to have realistic expectations, and remember that liposuction cannot be used as a means for major weight loss. It is instead used to remove localized areas of stubborn fat after the patient has attempted other natural weight loss methods.

Liposuction is designed to eliminate fat that refuses to respond to standard weight loss efforts like diet and exercise. This is an excellent procedure to achieve “finishing touches” after major weight loss!

In addition, patients amplify their results of LocoLipo with continued diet and exercise to achieve further sculpting in the areas treated.

Is LocoLipo Right for Me?

If you are not a good candidate, Dr. Bonillas will be able to offer other possible treatment recommendations that may be more suitable for you.

There are many different techniques available for patients seeking liposuction treatments. LocoLipo is efficient, aggressive, and safe, and patients achieve desired results without the need for general anesthesia and prolonged recoveries. Dr. Bonillas will examine you and discuss your expectations in order to provide you with a personalized treatment recommendation that will be best for you.

At times, a combination of LocoLipo with other treatments such as mini-abdominoplasty, fat grafting to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift), or other procedures, and can be performed at the same time, or separately as recommended by Dr. Bonillas.

Liposuction Treatment Areas

LocoLipo can be used to treat many areas of the body. Some of the more popular areas include the abdomen, waist (“love handles”), bra rolls, arms, chest, and thighs. Due to the fact that liposuction requires a meticulous and aggressive, yet gentle approach, not all surgeons can achieve natural and flattering contours like Dr. Bonillas achieves with LocoLipo. These advanced techniques used by Dr. Bonillas during LocoLipo sculpt the treatment areas to provide impressive contouring results!

Liposuction can be used to treat localized fat deposits within the:

  • Abdomen (Upper/Lower)
  • Pubis
  • Waist (“love handles”)
  • Front bra rolls
  • Back bra rolls
  • Arms
  • Face and neck
  • Chest (such as gynecomastia)
  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Inner thighs
  • Outer thighs
  • Banana rolls
  • Knees
  • Lower legs
  • And other more custom-defined areas as deemed necessary by Dr. Bonillas

LocoLipo Liposuction may be performed alone or can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as mini-abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), fat grafting to buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift), gynecomastia excision, or facelift, to achieve maximum results.

Dr. Bonillas: Top-Ranked Liposuction Specialist

During your consultation, you will discuss which areas of your body you would like to improve. He will listen carefully and ask about your general health, past treatments, allergies, and medications. This information will help him determine if LocoLipo is an ideal option for you. Dr. Bonillas will examine the areas of concern, which will help him assess the state of your skin and fat and help him strategize your procedures.

You will then receive personalized treatment recommendations and options during your consultation.

Along with the questions you have, be sure to inquire about LocoLipo before and after photos. Looking over photos will help you understand the effects of LocoLipo and how it can transform your body appearance. Across the board, Dr. Bonillas achieves beautiful, natural-looking body contouring with LocoLipo.

LocoLipo – Comfortable, Effective, and Minimal-Downtime Liposuction

Dr. Bonillas is pleased to provide his patients with LocoLipo, a state-of-the-art liposuction technique where patients undergo VASER and power-assisted liposuction, to achieve the results they want with minimal downtime, all without the need for general anesthesia. The “Loco” stands for local anesthesia, which means only the target areas are treated with anesthesia.

In addition, oral sedation medications are given to allow you to relax during the procedure. In other words, this method will allow you to be awake and relaxed during your procedure, thereby avoiding any possible risks and uncomfortable recovery associated with general anesthesia.

LocoLipo is a specialized liposuction technique offered exclusively by Dr. Bonillas at Scottsdale Plastics, and combines the safety of local anesthesia with VASER and power-assisted liposuction to achieve aggressive and dramatic results you expect from state-of-the-art liposuction.

Is LocoLipo Right for Me?

There are many different techniques available for patients seeking liposuction treatments. LocoLipo is efficient, aggressive, and safe, and patients achieve desired results without the need for general anesthesia and prolonged recoveries.

Dr. Bonillas will examine you and discuss your expectations in order to provide you with a personalized treatment recommendation that will be best for you.

If you are not a good candidate, Dr. Bonillas will be able to offer other possible treatment recommendations that may be more suitable for you. At times, a combination of LocoLipo with other treatments such as mini abdominoplasty, fat grafting to the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift), or other procedures, and can be performed at the same time, or separately as recommended by Dr. Bonillas.


If you are interested in how LocoLipo will help you achieve your body goals, schedule a consultation today.

The most noted benefit of liposuction is the removal of those stubborn pockets of fat! That diet and exercise-resistant area of fat will be dramatically reduced. Your body will settle into a more contoured and sculpted shape within one to three months postoperative. At Scottsdale Plastics, we use LocoLipo to remove excess unwanted fat and at the same time reduce trauma to tissue during the procedure. The result is a fast recovery!


You will be given detailed instructions on how to prepare for your LocoLipo procedures. You will need to arrange transportation to and from your appointment. If you are unable to do so, we can assist in finding one for you.

You will need a caregiver to assist you for the first twenty-four hours of your recovery.

Most patients take 1-5 days off from work, depending on the areas treated and other procedures performed. The exact amount of time will be determined during your consultation. Ensure you have an area in your home where you will be comfortable resting for a few days.


Liposuction results

LocoLipo is performed in our office under oral sedation and local tumescent anesthesia.

Thirty minutes before the procedure begins, the patient is provided with oral sedative medications to help them relax and maximize comfort. Next, Dr. Bonillas makes small incisions after a local anesthetic is injected, and a concentrated blend of tumescent fluid, which contains a local anesthetic, is infiltrated into the areas to be treated. This minimizes and/or relieves the pain during the procedure.

Dr. Bonillas has perfected his unique LocoLipo technique to achieve the ideal balance of fat removal and body contouring to ensure excellent and beautiful results patients will be happy with.

Using the same small incisions, VASER is performed to separate the fat, followed with power-assisted liposuction to suction the fat. Dr. Bonillas meticulously treats all areas until a proper reduction of fat and contouring has been achieved. Typically, the small incisions are left open to drain during the first 1-3 days postoperative and usually heal within 2-3 weeks. The patient is then placed into a tight garment to be worn full-time until further instructed by Dr. Bonillas.

Recovery And Results

After the LocoLipo procedure, patients may experience mild swelling, bruising and discomfort in the treated area. Compression garments or elastic bandages may be used to help reduce these symptoms while the area heals. Patients can return to work and other regular activities as soon as they feel comfortable, which is usually after a few days. Exercise and other strenuous activities should be avoided for a few weeks.

Patients receive special instructions on how to care for the treated areas to reduce any complications after the procedure. The results of the LocoLipo procedure may not be visible until after swelling and bruising subside. After the first month, results will start to appear and will continue to develop between two and six months postoperative.

The results of LocoLipo can be permanent, as long as patients maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. If substantial weight is gained after this procedure, the results will be altered.


Although liposuction is considered safe, there are certain risks associated with any type of procedure. Some of these risks may include infection, scarring, allergic reactions, hematoma or unsatisfactory results. Liposuction is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures and is almost always performed with no serious complications.

You can minimize potential risks by choosing an experienced doctor such as Dr. Bonillas and by following his instructions before and after your procedure. To learn more about the LocoLipo liposuction procedure, we encourage you to call us today and schedule a consultation.

Cost of Scottsdale LocoLipo


How dangerous is liposuction?

Liposuction, in general, has its own inherent risks and complications, which Dr. Bonillas will discuss with you at your consultation. If Dr. Bonillas determines that LocoLipo is not the right procedure for you, he will not recommend it and will suggest alternative treatment options. Dr. Bonillas always recommends you seek treatment by a board-certified plastic surgeon.

How much does it cost to get liposuction on your abdomen?

Prices will vary depending on treatment areas and improvement desired.

How long does it take to recover from liposuction?

If you work a sedentary job, you will be able to return to work after a couple of days. This timeline may extend if your job requires strenuous activities. Swelling should start to dissipate after a few weeks and your final results will set in within the first three months.

How much can you lose with liposuction?

You can lose a few pounds of fat with liposuction, but it is important to remember that liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. If you are interested in reducing stubborn amounts of fat that seem resistant to workouts and diet, LocoLipo is your best solution!

How much is liposuction near me?

LocoLipo cost estimates are provided during your consultation once Dr. Bonillas is able to accurately determine the best treatment option for you.